MAC's Crankit Foundation
Since :
October 2014
Address : 86 Stonecutters Drive, Colebee, NSW , Australia
Phone : 0402 658 145
Email : macscrankit2014@gmail.com
About Us
Who We Are?
With strong competitive experience and an intense passion for tennis, Our aim is to provide quality training and inclusive learning environment that enables players to pursue their dreams and realise their full potential.
Our vision is to provide athletes with an opportunity to access a training program that will nourish and support the development of raw talent, as well as build resilience - both on and off court - with a view to overcoming psychological and technical obstacles that prevent the realisation of true potential.
“We are a 'NON FOR PROFIT, Special Purpose' organisation helping the community & youth, aspiring to become the best athlete they can be through minimal or at no cost for training, coaching, home based studies with assistance through donations of equipment, clothing, or funds direct from the public and distributed to individuals who are in need of assistance getting off the streets"
MAC’s Crankit Tennis Academy - Special Purpose non-profit organisation strongly believes in Community Service which extends to all parts of the World. Primarily, our support begins here in Australia where we provide support to under privileged children who hope to achieve their goals but do not have the financial backing to continue on with their journey.
MAC’s CRANKIT also believes in sponsoring the development of potentially qualified trainee coaches who wish to pursue tennis coaching as a profession. We have qualified coaches who are dedicated to train & develop students who would like to be a
professional Tennis or Mentor Coach. This will gain them access to employment as a trainee coach or a coach through our ATPCA network.

Patricia Puzon
MAC's Tennis Academy
MAC's CrankIt Tennis Academy
Est. October 30, 2014
Our Mission
“To deliver a unique community service to each individual who are in need of support through our Sponsorship Program for Trainee Coaches, Adults & Children depending on their respective circumstances.”
"We aspire to help underprivileged children around the world whilst at the same time growing the sport of tennis to a whole new level. Through acceptance of donated equipment, community services & Charity Fundraisers, MAC's CRANKIT Foundation will have the capacity to lend a helping hand during difficult times such as Natural Disasters & Famine, both Nationally and Internationally"
"We provide all Tennis students with world-class Tennis Training Programs from Certified & Qualified ATPCA Coaches. We are focused on Developing and Inspiring tennis students as well as making Tennis a prominent sport in general"
Scholars - Philippines


Sydney Scholars